Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Homemade Dog Food Recipes
Give them the BEST! Homemade dog treats recipes found here.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Feed Your Dog Yummy Food You'd Eat Yourself

Dogs love food, and Harley is no different. My faithful black lab is overweight because he takes steroids, so we try to watch what he takes in. not to mention the food allergies that come with Harley. Here’s a recipe your dog will enjoy and eat time and time again and the ingredients are ones that are unlikely to start a reaction in your dog.

You’ll notice there’s fruit in this recipe. Dogs are actually omnivores and eat a wide variety of foods, and if given fruit in good ways, they like it. Studies have shown that dogs taste sweetness and they do like it. Many people like to cook two meals per day for their dog. The recipe below is meant for a large dog, but with careful cutting and portion control, it can be made for a smaller dog, as well.

You will need;
~1 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
~½ pound ground beef
~1 large whole potato, peeled, cooked and chopped coarsely
~1 small zucchini, or equivalent amount of green beans, kidney beans, etc.
~1 apple - cored and peeled, cut into small chunks
~1 carrot, chopped
~2 heaping Tbsp. of chopped parsley
~1 tsp. Ground turmeric

1.) Heat the oil in the pan over medium heat.
2.) Add the meat and cook till done, crumbling as it cooks; about 5-7 minutes.
3.) Add the other ingredients and cook until all is heated through; about 3-4 minutes.
4.) Remove from heat and let cool before feeding the dog.

Your dog will love something that came from the stove in a pan, and will be excited to eat it. Feeding your dog wholesome food that you would eat yourself, promotes longer, healthier lives for dogs.

I'll be back with another recipe from Harley's Kitchen!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Sandy I think I will have to copy this recipe off for CK and let her check it out. She may very well love it. She loves all food though. She surprisingly doesnt have a weight problem. But we have many other helath issues in this old gal. Love and Prayers Beth
